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Friday, July 25, 2014

Andy Harris Discusses The Immigration Crisis

Andy Harris, M.D. 

ICYMI: This morning, I joined Patrice Sanders of Fox 45 Morning News to discuss the immigration crisis and its impact on our country as a whole. Not only should we speed up the court hearings for the 50,000 immigrant children who are already here illegally, but we must send the message to parents in Central America that our border is not open.


  1. Nuke the central americans and also mexico. The trade winds will get rid of cuba with radiation.

  2. Stopping the invitations of food stamps, deferred whatever and free medical and housing would stop the influx. Our original immigration laws totally addressed this issue. Our original laws served this country well for 200 years, then somebody changed it.

    We do not need "Reform", we need to go back to Square One. Changing the bait to "no bait" to come here? Priceless.

  3. Gary Bullard said...
    Stopping the invitations of food stamps, deferred whatever and free medical and housing would stop the influx. Our original immigration laws totally addressed this issue. Our original laws served this country well for 200 years, then somebody changed it.

    We do not need "Reform", we need to go back to Square One. Changing the bait to "no bait" to come here? Priceless.

    July 25, 2014 at 7:44 PM

    I know for a fact that Obama is advertising in Mexico that America has free food stamps, Welfare and Medicaid in America. Advertising with your tax dollars. He is either advertising in South America or they caught wind of it. This all started after Obama started advertising food stamps on our national TV.

    Obama is trying to destroy this country and part of the plan is to do it with the influx of illegal thugs from third world countries. They are easier to control when he is the King.

    Watch the Hunger Games and you will see what we as Americans will be like in a third world country controlled by a dictator and a police state.


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