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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Almonds Reduce Heart Disease Risk, Study Shows

A new study shows that eating almonds can reduce the risk of heart disease by keeping blood vessels healthy.

Researchers found that the nuts significantly increase the amount of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduce blood pressure, and improve blood flow. These findings support the theory that Mediterranean diets with lots of nuts have significant health benefits.

The study was conducted at Aston University in Birmingham, UK. Researchers tested the effects of a short-term almond-enriched diet on healthy young and middle-aged men as well as on a group of young men with cardiovascular risk factors including having high blood pressure or being overweight.

Almonds contain an abundance of beneficial substances such as vitamin E and healthy fats, fiber, and flavonoids. The researchers believe it is likely to be the combination of all these components working together to create the overall health benefits rather than just one particular nutrient in isolation.



  1. In other words, it might have been the olive oil, too, but we just don't know for sure. It was just time to put out a report so we could qualify for more grant funding to keep on trying different foods.

  2. 6:11 That's all it's about... and who's going to pay the most for the outcome?

    That's how the GMO thing got out of control. People believe anything out a "scientist" mouth.

  3. The benefits of eating a handful of "Raw Almonds" have been known and documented for many years. Thanks for the post, because many don't realize this.

  4. Peanuts have the same healing qualities.

  5. I assume that almond butter is equally as healthy,since I dump only a lb of almonds in the machine and nothing else.


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