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Friday, July 11, 2014

Act of War on America – Mexico and Guatemala Sign Agreement to Fast-Track Invasion of U.S.

A Monday joint press conference was held by Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina to announce their agreement to jointly cooperate in and facilitate the invasion of their northern neighbor, the United States.

Labeled “The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage,” it is an officially-sanctioned, coordinated effort on the part of Mexico and the nations of Central America to invade the United States.

The agreement provides a network of border checkpoints through which an internal Mexican travel document will be issued, which is valid for a period of 72 hours. That document, known as a Regional Visitor’s Card, will provide temporary legal status to those in Mexico illegally for the sole purpose of invading the United States.



  1. Is this a joke? If it isn't a joke why isn't it the lead story with flashing lights around it? What paper printed this? I didn't recognize the paper. Was this made public to the main stream media? Was it reported in the MSM? Why are people not screaming and shouting about this meeting of two leaders intent to ruin this country? Huuummmm...sounds fishy to me. I want more pictures .

  2. As Obama turns his head and goes on vacation. What a joke we have for a leader. But nobody seems to care because if you say anything then you are a racist.


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