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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Achievement Redistribution: University Of Wisconsin To Distribute Grades Based On Race And Ethnicity

One time I was speaking at a local South Florida high school and explaining “wealth redistribution.” I used a football analogy, with the example of a team being ahead at halftime 28-7. However, when the team came back after halftime, the scoreboard read 21-14. I explained to the students that officials met in the press booth and decided to have equitable apportionment of touchdowns to make the game fairer. They believed the self-esteem of the other team was being adversely affected. When I asked the high school seniors if they agreed, they vehemently said no. They felt they’d earned their touchdowns. So I asked why? Shouldn’t they share their good fortune? I was met with a resounding no. They responded that the other team should have practiced more and played better.

Clearly the University of Wisconsin-Madison would have trouble understanding that analogy as the faculty has just adopted a new charter advocating “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels” including “the distribution of grades.”



  1. I don't have a problem with it but only if all the professors redistribute their salaries to me

  2. It's not quite like that but they might be laying the framework for it.

    If you're really interested you can look up what Ann Althouse says about it on her blog.

  3. Since I am white do they just assume I get an A? Cause that would be really nice of them. I could be a Doctor in no time. All I would have to do is write prescriptions and ignore my patients concerns.

  4. Remind me to be careful interviewing anyone from that school...maybe I'll let them axe me sum qwestions!


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