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Sunday, July 06, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-1-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dana Loesch Puts Her Own Spin on Leftist Chants Af...":

Chuck Cook is violently attacking Republicans on this issue as far as saying kick them out in November. He is twisting it by saying Republicans and Corporations are controlling health care.

Chuck Cook

10 hrs · Annapolis, MD ·

American women, It's now official: the Conservatives on the Supreme Court have decided that your employer now has the right to make your health care decisions for you. Not you. Not your doctor. You, apparently, aren't capable of making that decision for yourselves.

Let it be noted that the Republican Party supports this move to deny you your own health care decisions.

Remember this in November.

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John Gerard Groncki, Mickey Justice and 57 others like this.


  1. He's hoping all the Dumbocrats won't learn what its all about and keep the idiots in office

  2. It shows how out of sync liberals really are.

    Perhaps we need to start building some institutions.

  3. Well...he's right.

  4. It's official, America! The Democratic Party wants no one else but the Democratic Party to control not only your health care, but every facet of your life!

    And you thought I'd want in on something like that, Chuck? You don't know me at all.

  5. Hey Chuck try informing yourself before you spout off nonsense. They are NOT making any choice for them they are saying they will NOT pay for them to murder a baby. Try planned parenthood.

  6. that's how so called progressives roll, too compassionate to execute child killers using the death penalty, but don't blink an eye killing the un-delivered child in the womb

  7. Agree or disagreee... How is this violently attacking Rebublicans?

  8. What a liar he is. I hope he doesn't have children because he is the worst example of a "father" a child could ever have. And if he has a wife and she herself isn't of the lower class she would put this liar in his place. No decent self respecting woman would ever allow her children to be under the influence of such dishonesty.

    1. He does have children and he is married, his wife is a school teacher.

  9. Whatever chuck u silly little freak.

  10. Can't not stand this liberal a hole.Liberals have an extreme ideology and they are destroying America

  11. Sorry but I agree with chuck.

  12. Only a twisted convoluted mind would agree with him 1:31. There isn't a thing stopping you or anyone else from purchasing the morning after pill is there 1:31?
    I'll answer for you NO there isn't so your choice or anyone's else's isn't limited and if you say it is then you are nothing more than a liar and quite frankly you need to get yourself a supply of them because the worst thing a child could ever have is a parent with no morals.

  13. That little rant was waaaay beyond "spin"....no one is trying to control anyone's health choices. EVERY women can make her own choice to use birth control or not. You can't just force someone else to pay for it.
    Most birth control is very cheap and often free.
    Quit thinking that everyone else is responsible for everything you want, wish you had, or "deserve".

  14. How is he right? There is nothing preventing any woman from going into her doctor's office and if need be purchasing the products. If anything if you pay out of pocket you have many more choices. What a horrid vulgar man this is to spread such falsehoods.

  15. I would like someone to explain how he is correct. If anything, as someone said above when insurance is paying for anything the choices are limited. When you pay out of pocket all options are available to you. We've experienced this with both of my parents with not only drugs, but when insurance and Medicare wouldn't pay for another month of rehab in an in patient facility and we had to pay for it out of pocket. Our "choice" was limited to a physical therapist coming to the house a few times a week which wasn't a very good option for us. Granted most people do not have the $40,000 it cost us for the extra month of rehab, but to say you have a "choice" when someone else is paying is quite disingenuous.

  16. "Quit thinking that everyone else is responsible for everything you want, wish you had, or "deserve".

    It's how these people were raised 1:42. They are not from good stock. Good parents do not teach their children to be sponges running around like beggars with their hands out looking for something for free. When someone says something like this it is a sure sign that he is from a white trash background.

  17. Can someone please tell me how this is "free"? It's health insurance, pretty sure the employee and/or employer pays that. Not free; that's just right wingnut spin.

  18. It's what he does, what he's paid to do, what he likes doing.

  19. I believe he does have a wife and she won't say anything about his lies. Democrat women are nothing but slaves and willingly obey and submit to men. This is why this ruling is so upsetting to them. They aren't capable of being responsible for themselves on a personal level. They are feeble minded and weak and have no self control. It's a horrible way to live, but they don't know any better and think it's the way it's supposed to be because it's generational and all they know.

  20. After all these years of abortion debate, I'm still puzzled by the notion that conception is, in itself, seen as a health care issue.

    The definition of health care (the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals) doesn't seem to fit well.

  21. After all this time, it's found that one of the most effective birth control medications is a single aspirin tablet

    held tightly between the knees.

  22. Obamacare cuts mamograms for women one to every few years now thats a war on women!

    1. Yeah, and nobody bats an eye!

  23. Unknown said...
    Agree or disagreee... How is this violently attacking Rebublicans?

    July 1, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    It's a figure of speech Dumb@ass!!

    Learn how to spell before you go posting this crap defending that homo.

    You must be a graduate of the public school system.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Sorry but I agree with chuck.

    July 1, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    Another uninformed HOMO!!

  25. Anonymous said...
    I believe he does have a wife and she won't say anything about his lies. Democrat women are nothing but slaves and willingly obey and submit to men. This is why this ruling is so upsetting to them. They aren't capable of being responsible for themselves on a personal level. They are feeble minded and weak and have no self control. It's a horrible way to live, but they don't know any better and think it's the way it's supposed to be because it's generational and all they know.

    July 1, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    I have known that left wingnut Chuck Cook for several years and I have never met his wife. I had no idea he was married because he always hung out with Jim Ireton and other homos like Bill Duck and the Demone clown.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Obamacare cuts mamograms for women one to every few years now thats a war on women!

    July 1, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    SShhhhh! Don't let Chuck and all his Democrat girl friends here that.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Well...he's right.

    July 1, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    No he is left.

  28. I don't care what anyone says I am totally able to take care of myself. I don't need help nor would I want it from the likes of him or anyone that thinks(?) they know better then me what is best for me. I'm 64 years old and I made it this far without help, but do hope I am still alive to see the end of all that they are trying to push down on me that I don't want or feel I don't need. I stayed out of your life so stay the hell out of mine. If I need you I will call you. NOT map

  29. The Supreme Court should have nixed Obamacare in the first decision, now even they see it is flawed terribly. Obama never called Obamacare a tax, The Supreme Court made that decision when they decided it was a tax. The Supreme Court is not supposed to write legislation from the bench, however, that is exactly what they did! Obamacare is unconstitutional. Don't Tread On ME!

  30. This ruling by the Supreme court pertained to privately owned small businesses in regards to IUD's and the "morning after pill". which they feel is a form of abortion. This has nothing to do with birth control pills.

  31. If this ignoramus had a brain he would be more concerned that those covered under the lowest tier of the ACA do not have access to the safest forms of emergency contraception-only the least expensive.
    Even if he does know this he's a democrat which equates to a liar, so he would never make an issue out of this fact.
    I find it hard to believe he has a wife, but some women will marry anything even if it means throwing all values, principles and decency out the window.

  32. Yes he is a 'father' and a piss poor excuse for one. Good fathers lead by example and telling out and out lies and deceiving people is not a good quality in any person esp a parent. He has some major character flaws and his faux outrage needs to be redirected to the facts. We have many many people in MD on limited incomes, who were forced under obamacare, to buy the 'Bronze Plan' which is inferior. According to the state's own website "Bronze plans also have the most basic benefits and most limited networks of doctors and hospitals."

    These lower income people men and women and children alike don't have a choice, the government is making their health care choices for them.

  33. 4:13 you just don't get it, Obamacare is one huge failure and an infringement of individual liberties, unconstitutional, like I said.

  34. He has a wife, all she is known for is being a waitress and having babies. She's dumb as a stump and that's why you never see her. Most of the Obamacare supporters have their own insurance plans provided by their employers (government employees) already and don't have to depend on Obamacare.

  35. For real. If anyone is making choices for a person's healthcare anymore it's the government, and it's specifically hitting the poor souls forced to by such low quality insurance. The Affordable Care Act requires that only one drug is covered in each therapeutic category and class. This means that the insurance companies are now dictating what drugs a patient is prescribed. For instance many insurance companies providing coverage under the ACA will only pay for Zocor, a cholesterol lowering drug, while others only pay for Lipitor. The reality is, while both can be effective in lowering cholesterol, one is known to often cause muscle pain in quite a few patients. It's also been proven that if someone has to take more than 40 mg of Lipitor, Zocor is not an option because the maximum does of Zocor you can take safely is 80mg, which is equivalent to 40mg of Lipitor.


  36. July 1, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He has a wife, all she is known for is being a waitress and having babies. She's dumb as a stump and that's why you never see her. Most of the Obamacare supporters have their own insurance plans provided by their employers (government employees) already and don't have to depend on Obamacare.

    July 1, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    That is so funny.

  37. A school teacher? Perfect example of why the schools are in such a shambles. The teachers aren't anywhere near being positive role models these days.
    You do not stand ever by any man, much less get mixed up with one in the first place, who lies and misrepresents. It shows you yourself have some severe issues.
    I just want to know where these people come from. I admittedly was raised in a glass house, with a silver spoon. These must have been the people "from the other side of the tracks" that Mother forbid me to be around.

  38. I wonder if she condones the lying in the children. The father now lies, because of poor parenting as a child and he was allowed to get away with it.

  39. Not seeing any violence in the comment. What an I missing?

  40. John Gerard Groncki and Mickey Justice like that comment. They are not friends of mine any longer.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Not seeing any violence in the comment. What an I missing?

    July 1, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    It's a figure of speech asswipe. Quit defending Chuck Cook.

  42. Looks like Chuck Cook has been gobbling the goop again.

  43. Anonymous said...
    He has a wife, all she is known for is being a waitress and having babies. She's dumb as a stump and that's why you never see her. Most of the Obamacare supporters have their own insurance plans provided by their employers (government employees) already and don't have to depend on Obamacare.

    July 1, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    So true and so funny.

  44. "It's a figure of speech asswipe. Quit defending Chuck Cook.

    July 2, 2014 at 3:58 AM"

    It's this level of civil discourse that keeps me coming back to SBYNews. Never change, folks.

  45. Is this where we're supposed to come for the USA/Belgium gamethread?

  46. Obama births it,
    O'Malley embraces it,
    Mathias sponsors it,
    Cook defends it,
    Groncki likes it.

    ...and We pay for it!

    Now, click your heals together three times and say, "there's no day like November 4th, there's no day like November 4th, there's no day like November 4th..."

  47. Is this the Mickey Justice that goes around playing Irish music that likes this guys comments?

  48. No Chuck, the Democrat party has decided that the American people shouldn't have the right to decide for themselves whether or not they want healthcare insurance.The Dems opened this can of worms. They have manipulated the government to FORCE the American people to buy a product. By doing so you have divided this nation on a level not seen since the civil war. When our government was small we prospered as a nation. We were respected and looked up to. Now we have a government that is large enough to control everyday issues in everyones lives and we no longer prosper. We are no longer respected. You and your progressives have done this. The next election willl show that the American people have had enough, but alas, it will be too late. The foundation of our once great nation has been damaged to the point that elections cannot repair it. A complete rebuilding of our nation based upon our constitutional underpinnings is in order. First, we bring our soldiers home. Leave those animals in the middle east to their own devices. As far as Europe? The would soon appreciate the things we provided that they currently take for granted as they burn our flag. Next, we move our military to our borders and seal them tightly. Then we fix OUR problems. We review the laws in place and remove those that violate our civil liberties and individual states sovereignty. We allow our businesses to build themselves back up within our borders and create jobs for AMERICANS. We locate those currently in our country illegally and deport them immediately. We CAN build our nation back up. But an election won't do it. WE THE PEOPLE have to do it. And we'd better do it quickly.

  49. This guy is an idiot liar democrat attempting to prey on the uneducated and uninformed.Democrats know the only way they can advance their agenda is with lies and scare tactics,the truth scares the hell out of them.

  50. Yep 10:28, you got it. So little integrity that to him lying justifies the means. Nothing but a bunch of low life skanks.

  51. This MAN is the Commie Libtard that went on the computer and RIGGED the election against you JOE. Show him NO mercy!!!!!

  52. Unknown said...
    Agree or disagreee... How is this violently attacking Rebublicans?

    July 1, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    How is it not Bozo!

  53. Chuck looks like he is gobbling the goop.

  54. Chuck is not working for O'Malley now he has some job with he Democrat Party. What exactly is Chucks job?

  55. Anonymous said...
    He has a wife, all she is known for is being a waitress and having babies. She's dumb as a stump and that's why you never see her. Most of the Obamacare supporters have their own insurance plans provided by their employers (government employees) already and don't have to depend on Obamacare.

    July 1, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    LMAO you took the words right out of my mouth.

  56. Anonymous said...
    This MAN is the Commie Libtard that went on the computer and RIGGED the election against you JOE. Show him NO mercy!!!!!

    July 6, 2014 at 12:38 PM

    I agree with you. He got access to the computers at the Salisbury Fire Department on Cypress Street.

  57. I hear Chuck Cook has a new wife. Her name is Josh Hastings.

  58. To Chuck I don't know you and I dont hate you but I will say a prayer for you. Anyone that hates as deep as you needs healing. I PRAY you seek the Lord one day for he will be there for you and when allow him in your life you will find the true meaning joy may my God bless you and your faimly Mr Cook.

  59. 1:35 PM you may not know him, but I know him and you are correct in the part about him hating deeply. He hates Republicans and calls them Tea Baggers to their face. He has no couth what so ever. Ironically tea bagging is what Jim Ireton does to Chuck Cook when he passes out drunk.

  60. I fail to see what it accomplishes allowing comments bashing this guy's wife. It just comes off petty and seems like dirty pool. I don't know what this person did to you, but attacking his wife who is apparently a private citizen just makes you look bad.

  61. Anonymous said...
    I fail to see what it accomplishes allowing comments bashing this guy's wife. It just comes off petty and seems like dirty pool. I don't know what this person did to you, but attacking his wife who is apparently a private citizen just makes you look bad.

    July 6, 2014 at 2:54 PM

    The man is a public leader in the Democrat party. According to your party's standard no one is off limits.

    Get a life dingbat!

  62. What the heck is in Chuck Cooks mouth? Or should I ask?

  63. Chuck Cook is an anti American Communist. He is an enemy of America.
    He should be arrested, tried for treason and put to death for his crimes.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Chuck Cook is an anti American Communist. He is an enemy of America.
    He should be arrested, tried for treason and put to death for his crimes.

    July 6, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    Yes I do agree. He has bad breath as well. I don't think he considers personal hygiene when he goes out in public. typical of Anti-American Democrats.


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