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Wednesday, July 02, 2014

4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, while Innocent


  1. This should absolutely scare the living crap out of every American (who isn't wearing a "I can do whatever I want" badge).
    "You don't any Constitutional rights at a checkpoint".
    "It wasn't a very good hit" (understatement of the year).
    "Your Constitutional rights are waived when it comes to safety".
    A DUI Nazi checkpoint (and they played their role perfectly)where the innocent citizen is NOT even asked "have you been drinking?" because the Gestapo was so caught up in teaching this INNOCENT person a "lesson" (and damaging his car to the tune of a couple of thousand dollars), they forgot all about catching drunk drivers. Try to stay more focused, Heinrich.
    There WAS someone on the scene who knew their Constitutional rights, but unfortunately, not one of them was anyone who was SUPPOSED to know them.
    This was LAST year. It's gotten much worse since then.
    An INNOCENT citizen, stopped at a Nazi checkpoint, harassed and "detained" using a fake "alert", searched without warrant, bullied and intimidated by those who claim to "serve" us, PURPOSELY damaging his car (that was the fun part for them), and then sending the INNOCENT person on his way without determining if he had been drinking.
    How much do they get paid??
    He's lucky he wasn't shot, or beaten into a coma (for telling the Gestapo he had any "rights" (you see what they think of your "rights" now, huh?).
    Keep cheering.
    Polish your jackboots and swastika.
    Get your torch ready.
    Keep telling yourself "that could NEVER happen to ME."
    I'll keep reminding you that it CAN. And it WILL.

  2. And yet you all sit back and keep on keeping on thinking this won't affect you... UNTIL IT DOES and as usual it will be to late to fix...

  3. Happens everyday in Maryland!! MSP are just like the German SS!!

  4. The officer in the video was voted officer of the year...Protecting their own...

  5. Because you drive a truck allows them to pull you over in the name of safety and inspect everything?

  6. Oh My, we're in deep doo-doo.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Because you drive a truck allows them to pull you over in the name of safety and inspect everything?

    July 2, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    If that truck is a COMMERCIAL vehicle, yes, they can pull you over and inspect everything.

    The rules are somewhat different for COMMERCIAL vehicles. And some would say a commercial vehicle is the only vehicle that you need a license for, but that's a topic for another thread.

  8. The check here command given to the dog with the hand pointing to the area is to get the dog to check a specific area. The dogs if properly trained alert only for the detection of whatever its trained to detect. They do not alert to a check here command. Also, the dog jumping up on the window was not an alert. The dog jumped up there to get a better smell of a higher area. I'm not saying this was justified I'm just pointing things that I know to be true. I don't know how long ago this video was taken but the majority of drug detection dogs nowadays are trained to sit rather than scratch to help prevent any damage to property.

  9. this is not about your constitutional rights anymore,it is situational and about your compliance with police authority. If you fail to cooperate, you become a problem...now imagine you are not a lawyer with a camera running but a young person of color...all the cop needed to do was say I smell Marijuana and that alone would give him probable cause for a vehicle search, weather he was in error or not...and remember the police are armed and have the entire criminal justice system behind them


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