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Friday, July 11, 2014

40% of Federal Criminal Cases in 2013 Were in Districts on Mexican Border

Whether measured by the number of criminal cases filed by U.S. attorneys or the number of guilty verdicts they ultimately secured in cases in U.S. district courts, 40 percent of the federal crimes documented by the Justice Department in fiscal 2013 took place in the five U.S. court districts (out of the total of 94 U.S. court districts) that sit on the U.S.-Mexico border.

These five U.S. court districts contiguous with the Mexican border were also the five where the largest numbers of individuals were convicted of federal crimes in fiscal 2013.

In the Western Texas district alone--which saw more federal crime than any other district in the country--more than twice as many federal criminals were convicted in fiscal 2013 as in all four U.S. court districts in New York state combined.


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