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Thursday, July 10, 2014

10-year Sentence For Ex-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin

NEW ORLEANS — Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for bribery, money laundering and other corruption that spanned his two terms as mayor — including the chaotic years after Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.

U.S. District Judge Helen Berrigan handed down the sentence Wednesday morning.

Nagin was convicted Feb. 12 of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen who wanted work from the city or Nagin's support for various projects. The bribes came in the form of money, free vacations and truckloads of free granite for his family business.

The 58-year-old Democrat had defiantly denied any wrongdoing after his 2013 indictment and during his February trial.



  1. Justice served see ya, sure hope it was worth it..

  2. A crooked dem that can't be

  3. Surprised he's not blaming President Bush.

  4. bout time. Can't take the scum out of the bag

  5. See ya later, Ray!
    Oh, by the way, where'd you hide the money you took from all of those Hurricane Katrina victims?

  6. . Can't take the scum out of the bag

    July 10, 2014 at 8:18 PM


  7. Applause. Profiting off the misery of the people he was elected to serve.

  8. he needed to go to jail simply for not bussing out NO residents while he had the chance.

  9. Wait this can't be true? He's a black Democrat and they are never wrong. Look at Marion Barry and Obama.

    You can take them out of the ghetto...


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