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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Young Boy Invents The Greatest Contraption To Prevent Babies From Dying In Cars

A simple, brilliant invention that could save children from being left in hot cars is available to anyone with a few minutes of free time and some common household items.

The E-Z Baby Saver consists of thick rubber bands and brightly colored duct tape. You affix it to the interior of your car where it blocks you from exiting until you remove it, prompting you to remember to check the back seat.

The inventor is 12 years old.

“Lots of different things happened to help me come up with this idea,” said Andrew Pelham of suburban Nashville. “I read a newspaper article about a woman who accidentally left her child in the car and the child died. It made me want to come up with an idea to prevent this. That’s a sad way to die. I decided to see if I could come up with something.”



  1. An automatic death penalty for anyone who left a child in a car seat leading to their death would jog people's memory as well.If for instance a person actually did forget that a child was in a car seat,they are a threat to society and need to be treated as a murderer.Why anyone argues in their behalf defies me.

  2. We are humans, and none of us is as perfect as 749. Thanks to our fellow human beings like this young man, we are better able to help each other do a better job at just about everything. Historically, alarms, seat belts, warning signs, and a plethora of inventions and methods have prevented millions of lives. Although they can't yet prevent a perfect woman from texting and falling face first in the mall fountain, they are still helping a lot.

    You young folks keep on thinking hard, it always does good. Maybe you can invent something to inform perfect people that they are still humans, like a mirror or something.

  3. another way is to not be drunk or drugged when driving. "I didnt know my child was in the car"


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