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Thursday, June 12, 2014

World War I Book Looms As Relevant History Lesson

WARRENTON, VA: Author Joe David believes Americans must heed what happened 100 years ago in the Middle East during World War I if they want to avoid repeating history. “The speed with which America is changing, led by despotic leaders, making constitutional revisions, has made me nervous about the country’s future,” Joe David told the Infidel Task Force (http://www.infideltaskforce.com/itf-interviews/) during a recent discussion about his latest book, The Infidels.

These leaders are making no attempt to provide any meaningful connection to outrages like 9/11, Bengazi, and Boston Marathon, which have been flaring up regularly here and abroad. “For them, each new outrage, no matter how dramatic, is an isolated event with no meaningful relevance to what preceded it. For our enemy, specifically, the Islamic fundamentalists, this type of response only strengthens their cause.”

He believes his latest book, The Infidels, should “awaken the public from its Prozac-like state of mental paralysis force-feed through politically correct clichés and fanciful arguments, and provide the public with the mental freedom it needs to understand what is occurring today.”

As he wrote in his article “History as a Link,” published in 1993 by the Council of Basic Education (http://bfat.com/educationinfocus/historyasalink.html) “World history provides the knowledge that enables us to live intelligently. When armed with a broad historical overview, we have the essential information needed to understand the present and grasp the possibilities for the future. Most importantly, we have what’s needed to connect times and cultures meaningfully and obtain from such connection knowledge for self-understanding.”

In a painless and paced story, Joe David’s The Infidels provides the readers with an honest historical report of what occurred one hundred years ago. “This I believe,” David said, “should connect the dots (from past to the present) for intelligent readers and give them the background they need to understand conceptually what is happening today.”


  1. It's over ladies and gentlemen , we don't have much of a future.
    Our present culture consists disgusting things like rap music , television sex , political lies , lack of any moral values , no religion and so many unimportant daily events.
    Give it up for 50 cents .

  2. Obama has led America to a terminal state. It's disgusting to see his Marxist strategies and lawlessness being willingly accepted by so many ignorant people.
    He has destroyed a once great nation.

  3. David said this should connect the dots ( from past to present) for intelligent readers? Thats the problem,not enough intelligent readers.As long as we have stupid people voting it will only get worse.


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