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Friday, June 13, 2014

Worcester County Struggling With Major Solid Waste Losses

SNOW HILL — The search continues for a policy that will offset some of the money that Worcester County is losing every year to operate its landfills while still avoiding unreasonably high trash deposit fees.

“You’re not going to fee your way out of this,” said Commissioner Virgil Shockley last week.

Currently, county landfills run at a huge deficit every year and have done so for the past several years. This year the county wants to cut away some of that red ink and has proposed raising the cost of transfer station permits from $60 to $100. It could add a second, pay-as-you-throw option where every trash bag taken to the station would cost $1.



  1. No doubt Wicomico County will be facing the same problems if they give Lee Beachamp a free hand in running the landfill. Better watch this guy.

  2. O K dumbasses raise the fees maybe Snow hill and Pocomoke will find a better deal You guys must be thinking like Rick Pollitt

  3. Throw the trash on the front lawns of the council till the fees are reduced to reasonable amounts!

  4. Isn't this cost figured in the budget yearly and taxes already in place to pay for it? Or, is it like Salisbury, where the money charged for and budgeted for stormwater management each year suddenly disappear from the budget and then a new tax proposed to cover the costs? Is that how it's being done? Has anyone ever heard of a tax ditch? We pay dollars to make them and their upkeep. Di you see funds for it in the budget? No. Now we need a new tax! Happy, happy, no.

    I am not confused, but our city and county fathers are.

  5. Yeah raise the fees so everyone throws their trash on the back roads

  6. Don't forget the EPA's hand in this. Good ol big government helping us out.

  7. Wicomico can't even run their Ferry's...Who closes at high tide???


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