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Monday, June 09, 2014

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release 6-9-14 (Part 3)

Offense: indecent exposure /disorderly

Brown, Olajuwon Hakeem 
Aberdeen MD

On June 7, 2014,Deputies were conducting a welfare check on a public transit bus when they observed Brown expose his buttocks to the passengers on the bus. After a short foot chase Brown was apprehended and arrested for indecent exposure and disorderly conduct. Brown was taken before the Ocean City Commissioner and a disposition was not available.

Offense: possession of marihuana l/t 10 grams

Harris, Christian Alexander
Bear, De

On June 7, 2014,Deputies conducting a foot patrol in the area of the Oceanic Motel detected the odor of marijuana coming from a vehicle parked in the lot. A probable cause search of the vehicle revealed a pill bottle containing suspected marijuana in the floor where Harris was seated. Harris was issued a criminal citation for possession of less then 10 g of marijuana and released.


  1. The kid's name is Hakeem Olajuwon? LMAO that rules

  2. It's not against the law to show your butt. Believe the supreme court ruled on that ten or fifteen years ago. Just can't show the no nos

  3. "Welfare check"??? Is THAT what the Nazi's are calling it now? I don't hink any of the bus riders want or need the Gestapo checking on their well-being.
    Do they use attack dogs, too, because attack dogs are VERY good at determining one's welfare. And VERY good at making it a lot worse, too.
    Are they running out of Nazi "checkpoints" to do, or will they soon start random home invasion raids to, you know, "check on the occupants welfare"?
    Don't laugh. But DO keep your "pay-pa's" in order and readily available. Freedom to travel unhindered, unsearched, and without harrassment is OVER.
    To the police and their masters, EVERYONE is guilty until proven innocent.
    Don't think so? Explain the BILLIONS of police confiscated money and property that is done EVERY YEAR, without charges or trial (read that again and let it sink in....), which you can get back as long as YOU prove you are INNOCENT. Which is exactly backwards from what our legal system is ---- ooops....WAS...based upon.
    Keep cheering and polish those swastikas.
    One never knows when one will be the target of the next "welfare check". That swastika may or may not help, but it will look really good on you.


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