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Friday, June 27, 2014

Wicomico Library Looks To Build New Education Center

SALISBURY – The Wicomico Public Library is looking to construct an Education and Entrepreneur Center in the immediate future as well as expand branch locations in the county throughout the next 20 years.

Wicomico Public Library Executive Director Andrea Berstler presented the City Council with her department’s hopes for two projects on Monday evening.

First, Berstler proposed an Education and Entrepreneur Center at the Wicomico Public Library in downtown Salisbury.



  1. Where's the money coming from?

  2. Fix our roads first, please.

  3. Of course Fake Lying Day had to chime in on his 2 cents. I can not believe the idiots of Salisbury voted for that guy. Liberal Democrats don't care about how they spend your money. Of course they don't its not theirs. You will never see a democrat balance a budget or lower taxes. To think that idiot Day thinks giving buildings away for pennies on the dollar or throwing a couple of stupid bike racks up or bike signs on the road is progress people . And the city council just raised your property taxes knowing that homes are worth half there value.Stay thirsty and keep drinking that liberal kool aid.

  4. This appears to be a duplication of effort of other gov't entities. How many do we need sucking on the taxpayers.

  5. Has the term "library" been changed to a new meaning?? My dictionary does not encompass all of these purposes for a library.

  6. Stop, right here and now. No, Salisbury does not need a new library. Work with what you already have and like 9:32 AM asked, where is the money coming from?

  7. Funny, the Entrepreneur Center at the Tri County Council building is failing like there's no tomorrow. Are you falling for this BS Wicomico County residents?

  8. They will fall for any baloney that the democrats throw at them Jake Day should have been a salesman. All that BS that he peddles about envisioning a brighter future for downtown.It all comes off the backs of the taxpayer. The library is becoming a thing of the past mostly you see a bunch of bums hanging out bothering people or using the internet. All this nonsense about adding additional space is hog wash.

  9. I agree with you 9:59. That stretch of rt 13 from Milford street to Rite Aid is horrible. Coming back from Fruitland you have to drive in the left lane in order to avoid pot holes and damage to car. When it rains is also terrible the right lane is always flooded

  10. You always hear people say.....if I ran my household like these people ran the government I would be broke.
    Well look at some of the people that have been elected. They can't even manage their own fiances and yet people vote for them to control the budget of governments. You can't keep spending money you don't have and the little bit of money you do have you use on things that are needed NOT wanted.

  11. The Wicomico County Library is a County entity and not a City concern. Since when should the County or City tax payers be paying for an Entrepreneur center for small business owners. If you can't afford your own business then you are not ready to go into business for yourself. You are not ready to go into business for yourself and you don't need to go into business on the backs of County and City tax payers.

  12. Will somebody please explain , what is an entrepreneur center and how does it function to do whatever it is supposed to do??


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