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Monday, June 23, 2014

Wicomico Judge Election – What You Need To Know

What judges call the “best evidence” is the County Bar vote. See the tally sheet above.

Then there’s the experience factor, which greatly favors M. J. Caldwell.

And those criminal and other cases against Spyros Sarbanes.


  1. Off topic Joe, but for weeks now you've been touting the bashing that you were going to give Laura Mitchell prior to the election. Did I miss it? Change of heart? Mitchell bribe (lol)?

  2. 12:32, I have been VERY clear since day one. I will produce what I have TWO WEEKS before the election. You can't "bribe" me. It is already scheduled to go up automatically.

  3. 12:32 He has said "two weeks before the election" a hundred, or more, times. I would expect it in October, some time... so you haven't missed anything.

  4. Folks, forget Mitchell until the fall because the judge election could be decided tomorrow.

    Vote for Caldwell.

  5. If I see the sheet correctly, more of the County Bar thinks Sarbanes is UNQUALIFIED then they believe he is Highly Qualified.

    Says a lot......

  6. Looks like fellow lawyers feel that M.J. is the best for the job.

  7. MJ should have been selected. O'Malley shows that he is a vindictive tyrant. What else can you say.

  8. Who would vote for white trash welfare queen mitchell Again.?

  9. The local Bar obviously thinks the Governor made a mistake.

    Time for a correction.


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