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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Wicomico County Council Passes FY2015 Operating Budget

The Council voted to approve the $128.7 million budget for FY2015 by a 5-2 vote. County Executive Rick Pollitt thanked the County Council for their due diligence and extensive collaboration with staff. The adopted budget will take effect on July 1, 2014.

Read the entire Press Release by clicking HERE 


  1. The worst is behind us? I can't believe this BS! The recession is still going on and there are more and more businesses leaving this county. Most of us are now making due with less. Their response is to raise taxes and increase spending! Their only excuse, is that they could have raised it more! Maybe they should try to walk in our shoes and see just how difficult it is to make ends meet! If there is to be a protest, I want to know about it. Our voices are not be heard. I don't know how I am going to come up with the money for this years taxes!

    1. "they" do stupid. Don't you think that they pay taxes too?

  2. Ok, Stevie you voted to raise taxes on we people again. Go on to Florida and never look back. You will only be a blip on the radar around here. What a sad legacy you leave.

  3. 7:49 you are not alone. It's disgusting. I feel your pain.

  4. Kudos to Bob Culver aand Joe Holloway for saying "No" to Pollitt's tax and spend tango!

  5. 7:49 you are not alone. It's disgusting. I feel your pain.

  6. Gail, what the heck were you thinking? I don't expect anymore from Matt Holloway. He is all about being popular. But he needs to change his party affiliation.

  7. Just where was Rick tonight? Eating off the taxpayers again while his ax man and his Rinos on the council raised our taxes. Listen people there needs to be another revolt. We can't continue down this road.

  8. Those of us providing services for those who don't work are getting fed up.

  9. Every day I read about companies that are expanding or opening in Maryland. Why is our County Council not going out and finding companies to open in this area? All they worry about is how they can spend our money and how they can take more money from us. Enough already! Bring in companies and put people to work so they might have a bit of money to spend on things other than taxes!

  10. 6:08 I have seen several posts this morning where the word "stupid" is used - such as you just did. I suspect its the same person. If you can't get your message across without resorting to using a word like "stupid", then do us all a favor and stay the he- - off the website.YOU are the one showing the stupidity of a moron.

  11. TAX$$SPEND DEMOCRATS & RINOS have got to GO!!!

  12. The people put them in office so they deserve what they get.. I am moving out of this county and out of this Socialist State. I believe the State has exceeded California in it's Liberalism.. You would do your self a favor if you stopped supporting businesses who are employing illegals in Salisbury. It will hurt the city for a short period but as long as we continue to support those businesses they will continue to employ them and the trickle down is hurting everything from healthcare to the employment rate for citizens. Do what the Liberals would do and stop doing business with them.

  13. anon 7;57
    Didn't you mean a fly speck on the ceiling

  14. Most of those clowns aren't affected by the taxes, they can afford to be over taxed on two houses.


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