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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Why are so many black people in Jail? Racism.


  1. Because the cultural gap is too wide to overcome in our lifetime or the lifetime of our children.

  2. I for one am getting beyond tired of this constant racism card being played. If everyone would just abide by laws and treat each other decently, we as a species, which for the uneducated, means all races, we would be in much better shape. Too bad though, that type of across the board behavior is impossible.

  3. White people receive less harsh penalties than blacks. Could it be that it is probably the 2nd or 5th offense/???????

  4. The lack of two parent homes and role models like gangster rappers and poorly behaving athletes push these kids into the prison system.

  5. And a President and a media that supports Racism and promotes creating unrest between the races. Do the crime and pay the time. Maybe we should go back to executing murders etc. or take up some of the other countries means of punishment.. like stoning people to death,...

  6. Because they are criminals and commit an disproportionate amount of the crime. Wouldn't have so many in jail if the hanging tree could be brought back and put to good use.


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