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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What’s Happening On Route 50 Westbound? Resurfacing Project Will Continue Till August

BERLIN — For the last week or so, residents and visitors traveling on westbound Route 50 from West Ocean City to the Berlin area have experienced lane closures and back-ups with the first phase of the State Highway Administration (SHA) repaving project along the corridor.

Beginning last Wednesday, SHA crews began concrete patching on westbound Route 50 as part of a $1.9 million resurfacing project along the section of the corridor. The resurfacing project will ultimately cover a distance of 5.2 miles along westbound Route 50 from Herring Creek to Route 818, or Berlin’s Main Street extended.

During the first phase, large rectangular sections of deteriorated concrete are being cut out, squared off and poured with new concrete in advance of the larger $1.9 million resurfacing project. That first phase of the project will continue for the next week or 10 days.



  1. Very intelligent decision on SHA's part for tackling this project during the slow months of the Summer :-( ???
    First week of July would be a good time to do the paving!

  2. have to wait for money from the STATE; the liberal Socialist Republic of Maryland. money doesn't often flow to this side of the bay...get it...

  3. stupid decision to do it in the summer when most traffic.

  4. 10:03, I'll bet you're one of those people who spend their whole paycheck on the weekend, and are broke all week waiting for Friday to roll around again.

    There's no reason that money can't sit in the coffers and be spent during September & October and let the tourist season run at it's peak so we all get the most bang for the buck.

    Oh, but you're a Democrat... never mind...

  5. OMG.. can the idiots in Annapolis do anything else to make the rip to the ocean more painful.

  6. And there are people that want the gov't in charge of their health care


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