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Friday, June 13, 2014

What Underage Drinkers Drink When They Binge Drink

Beggars can't be choosers, but they can have strong, brand-driven alcoholic preferences.

A study undertaken by public researchers found that underage drinkers not only have a knack for drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, but they're also pretty picky about which branded alcohols they down when they do over-drink. The study found that underage drinkers are more loyal to brand names than they are to anything else.

"The most important finding is that the phenomenon of binge drinking among our youth is extremely brand specific," Dr. Michael Siegel, professor at Boston University School of Public Health and one of the study's authors, said in an interview. "For the first time we've found the brands that are most responsible for binge drinking among our nation's youth."


  1. I binge drink on whatever your buying.

  2. Natural light isn't 1st? Who did they interview? certainly not college kids


  3. Write in vote for Boone's Farm anyone?

  4. I'm looking at you, Bud light marketing team...

  5. Brands most responsible for binge drinking? Oh hell yes of course it is the brewing company's fault,no one is ever responsible for their own actions,that wouldn't be politically correct.

  6. Judging from the chart,are'nt the most popular binge drinking brands also the cheapest? With a few exceptions of course.

  7. Must be an old survey if fireball isn't on the list.


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