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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

WCSO Press Release 2014 COPS Motorcycle Ride

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis will lead the 2014 COPS Motorcycle Ride this Sunday, June 8th, beginning at 8 AM from the Salisbury Motor Vehicle Administration. The motorcycle ride will leave Salisbury under law enforcement escort and will travel to various locations on the shore and in Annapolis before meeting other motorcycle escorts that will take the riders to Upper Marlboro, Maryland. There, food and refreshments will be provided to all participants. The cost is $25 which includes a COPS RIDE T-Shirt and a catered lunch.

This year’s ride will be in memory of TONY R. STERLING, a long-time supporter of the Maryland COPS Chapter, and a loyal and dedicated member of our law enforcement family.

The Maryland Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (http://mdcops.org/), which is a 501 (c) 3 Federal IRS recognized tax deduction, has many programs and services for survivors including survivor seminars, scholarships, peer support, counseling programs, trial and parole support, death benefit information and other assistance programs. Since the first COPS RIDE started in 2000, fifty-eight Maryland Law Enforcement Officers have given their lives in the “Line of Duty”. The money we raise with this years’ COPS RIDE is more important than ever to the families of our Fallen Heroes.

Please join Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis and other law enforcement officers this Sunday, June 8th at 8AM for registration at the Motor-Vehicle Administration in Salisbury for this very worthwhile event.

Should you have any questions surrounding this year’s ride, please contact Sheriff Lewis at 410-548-4891 or email: mikelewis@wicomicocounty.org.


  1. Police escort is needed for this ? What a waist of money and manpower.

  2. Very fun and nice ride

  3. waste? as opposed to any other police escort?

  4. Just because some cop got himself killed does not make him a hero. They have falsely used this title so much it has lost its meaning.

  5. Excuse me 5:48...but Tpr. Eddie Plank was my husband and left behind our 7 month old daughter. He did not chose to "go and get himself killed". How flipping insensitive of you to even make a statement like that... I hope you do not need a police officer anytime soon!!!
    Thank you to all the police officers that do participate in the COPS ride!

  6. 7:45 PM

    I don't really care who you are or who your husband was. Frankly, I got tired of hearing about him and you when he got shot in the face. He certainly was no hero doing traffic stops.

    It's not at all insensitive. What IS insensitive is all the killings BY POLICE of civilians and pets. Do you consider those pos cops heroes too?

    And believe me, I do not wish to call ANY cop for any reason. You can keep holding onto whatever vision you may have of your husband, simply because he is your husband.

    Not everyone shares your biased view and opinions. I don't mean for this to sound like a personal attack on you, but I will speak plainly. Something that is very much lacking in todays world.

    I don't think my statement was insensitive at all. People like to call others heroes at the drop of a hat. It is just not warranted all the time and it diminishes when someone actually does something heroic. Pulling a speeder over is NOT heroic, no matter the outcome.

    You can disagree all you like, that is your right. But attacking me, or anyone else, for having an opposing view is unacceptable. I did not single you out, nor did I attack you. And I am not attacking you now. But I will set you straight.

    You felt the need to state who you are and wear your loss on you sleeve expecting pity or some special recognition. Sorry, but you, nor your husband, are that important.

    You milked that for all it was worth back in the day. It will not fly anymore.

    Have a nice life and please, move on.

  7. 7:45 PM

    who cares besides you?

  8. Most people are cowards like 5:48 hiding in their mommys basement.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Most people are cowards like 5:48 hiding in their mommys basement.

    June 3, 2014 at 9:05 PM

    And where are YOU hiding 'HERO'?


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