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Sunday, June 01, 2014

WBOC Weatherman Dan Satterfield, Hey, So I Lied...

During the summer months literally hundreds of thousands of people and businesses depend on the accuracy of Dan's experience. Today is a small but perfect example. 

The students of Delmar Middle and High School took a trip to Jolly Rodgers in Ocean City. The forecast last night, 70's and NO RAIN.

Well Dan, I'm in Ocean City and it has been raining all day, so far. It also is in the low 60's. Oh, wait a second, it's now 1:26 PM and I'll be darned, the sun just peaked out. Oh well, it went away again.

Thanks for letting all those parents be prepared while so many students simply showed up in short sleeve shirts and bathing suits for the day. 

While my Grandson was upset that I demanded he wear sweat pants and bring a sweat shirt, I'm sure he's been thinking all day, (so far) good move Grandpa! I'll explain to him later why I'm a much better Weatherman simply because MOST of us on Delmarva simply do the opposite of whatever WBOC tells us to do. 


  1. Right! My daughter attends Glen Ave and they also had a field trip to jolly Rogers water park. They were told that they can not go on rides, just the water park.

  2. The only occupation that you can be wrong so many times and still be employed. Being wrong that much would get anyone terminated in the rest of the workforce occupations.

    1. What about those who work for the Obama administration? Haven't got much right.

  3. Shouldn't rely fully on any weatherman. Not his fault that it rained all day, things come up! Big deal.

  4. It's all of them.. even the Baltimore stations. I believe they get paid to lie so that the tourist don't stay home.. either that or they are part of the current administration.

  5. Hey Dan, you've been BLOGGED! Great forcast, NOT!

  6. Relying on models may be alright, but just looking out the window and the stats and developing a forecast based on your meteorological training, education, and experience, may be better. Yesterday, The Weather Channel hourly forecast was very close to accurate, WBOC was not.

  7. We've been told that because of El Nino a mild hurricane season we will have, that means be prepared to get hunkered down for a big one!

  8. In Dan's defense, how can he possible know what the weather will be unless the military tell him in advance?

    All weather is controlled now. Nothing is left to chance.

    The fact is: they simply don't broadcast what they plan for each geography of the world.

  9. For all of you calling Dan out for his forecasting, if you don't have enough sense to go to additional weather forecasting sources before planning outdoor activities, then you're the biggest idiots!

  10. Perhaps reading a book or two about the science and art of predicting weather patterns might bring a few folks out of the valley of ignorance and left them to the mountain of enlightenment!

  11. Look outside and there is your forecast.

  12. Instead of his '3' computer models (by Hasbro and Acme) maybe someone should send him a 'weather rock' and a 'weather rope', that gives him two devices to compare and contrast!

  13. Dan sucks as a weatherman

  14. I took the day off to mow grass because WBOC gave the forecast of sunny skies with low humidity. Instead it rain have of the morning and didn't stop until this afternoon. I wasted have of my day due to their forecast. I won't be using WBOC anymore for my weather forecast. I wonder if he was fired from the last station he worked at?

  15. 2:44
    I too wish the military would honor the 1971 agreement signed with China and Russia to "not use weather as a weapon"

  16. job that MJ could fill and do equally as good.

  17. WBOC's last most accurate weatherman was Ralph Pennywell!

  18. Pittsville students still went yesterday in the pouring rain and low temps. My son also goes to glen ave..at least it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Yep..dumb ass dan screwed the forecast again but I do not think it would have any bearing on the schools decision

  19. Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows- Bob Dylan

  20. I really believe they get pressure from ocean city to down play any bad weather especially around the weekends! OC wants tourists! Watch next weekend they will predict rain like crazy to scare off the college kids!

  21. If any one of you can do better then why don't you have the JOB!!!!!!!!

  22. Dennis Ketterer

  23. Seems like we always end up getting the rejects from other areas or weathermen at the end of their careers in semi retirement seem to come here and work for wboc.

  24. Don't complain on her - call WBOC and complain. They are the only ones that can replace him with a competent person.

  25. I wonder if he was fired from WBOC? Haven't seen him do the forecast at all this week. I checked the wboc website and didn't see his name anywhere.


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