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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Virginia Police Officer Throws A Tantrum At A Traffic Stop (Dashcam Video)

Editor’s Note: This video contains very strong language that will be offensive to some readers.


  1. If this language is offensive to some of the readers, then they are obviously living in a bubble! Go to the Mall, playground, school yard, sporting event, anywhere and you hear this stuff. Some TV programs even have it. People need to get over themselves, grow up, more people talk like this in the real world. So sick of all of the "Sensitivity" crap, it sickens me that full grown adults have to be warned of how other adults talk!
    This country is getting way to sensitive, and Politically Correct!

  2. 6:54 PM

    do you feel better? you have valid points but no one should talk like that, especially a cop. but....they not what they used to portray.

  3. Gerald - I think this might be so you don't play this in front of young children, at work, during Sunday School!.... Time and place for everything.
    Still, we should find these actions and talk by this officer offensive. NO excuse for this behavior out of a supposed professional on the job.

  4. I have seen this video before... If I recall correctly the cop and other driver were friends and the video was made as s joke.

  5. 9:06 PM

    thanks for the confirmation.

  6. Gerald had a tantrum while pointing out and supporting the indecent and disrespectful society we live in.


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