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Monday, June 16, 2014

Victim of Viral YouTube Video has Message for Racist Stripper in Explosive Interview

Narvell Benning posted a video on YouTube on June 4, 2014 called Blatant Racism in Cheektowaga NY. In the video you watch and hear Janelle Ambrosia unleash a racist verbal assault upon the videographer and victim, Narvell Benning. In just seven days, the video went viral and amassed over 9 million hits.



  1. I'm sure he just "started his car"

  2. I'm sure there's no intent of "blame the victim".

  3. The real victims are her children...imagine what they hear on a regular basis. I am sure she is a loving mom at home...lol

  4. Looks like he was trying to provoke a response from her. There are always two sides to every story.

  5. She didn't just start calling him names for no reason.Maybe he is what she called him a racist looking to start trouble where ever he can. The progressives haven't taken away our right to free speech yet have they?

  6. Racism is alive and well , There are two types of people , Racist and liars. That goes for blacks and whites , never get rid of it until the black mob violence stops. We were almost there , then along came Obama.


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