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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

US Flying F-18 Surveillance Missions Over Iraq, Obama Reviews Options With Lawmakers

The United States is flying F-18 surveillance missions over Iraq from an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, officials confirm to Fox News, as President Obama weighs options for "increased security assistance" in the country.

The surveillance missions are being launched from the USS George HW Bush. It was already known that the Obama administration had authorized "manned and unmanned" surveillance flights, but F-18's are not traditional surveillance aircraft -- they are attack aircraft.

"It's not so much about looking as it is being seen," a U.S. official told Fox News.



  1. This is yet another disinformation from the whitehouse. Either they are going to bomb the camel jockeys or they are going to send drones to track them.

  2. Get our people out and leave. They will be doing this a hundred years from now. How many more American lives do we want destroyed during the next hundred years? How about none?

    We have oil here. And inventors. And competent scientists.


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