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Saturday, June 07, 2014

Trash In Salisbury

Doesn't it just flame you when you see something like this? What's wrong with people that think the world is their trashcan?


  1. It has been getting worst and worst over the last year

  2. Are they baby diapers?

  3. This is what Jim Ireton's and Jake Day's da 'Bury attracts. It is nothing but a GHETTO!!

    Let's vote to dissolve the City Charter and let the County take it over.

  4. As long as they throw the trash in downtown Salisbury, who cares? Downtown is dead and a dump!

  5. Vote the trash out.

  6. 6:37 What the heck is wrong with you? I walk my dog in a neighborhood adjacent to E Main St and most of my time is dodging trash and broken booze bottles that people throw out of their vehicles.
    Its not just down town, its all over the city.
    Oink Oink.

  7. Keeping up with New Jersey.

  8. Why didn't you pick it up instead of taking a pic of it you lazy fatass?

  9. This is how people feel about their county or city. No respect.

  10. Jonathan Taylor said...
    Why didn't you pick it up instead of taking a pic of it you lazy fatass?

    June 8, 2014 at 6:50 AM

    Speaking of lazy fat ass. How's your All-you-can-eat Buffet at the dump? Did you get enough to eat? Is that where you found your lovely bride? So you went back to renew your nuptials?


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