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Friday, June 13, 2014

The Only Place Women Don't Receive Equal Pay Is the White House

It's always irritating to listen to someone harp about some perceived injustice that just isn't true. My kids at bedtime for example -- they really don't think it's fair that I get to stay up later than them. I tell them when they get jobs and start contributing to the household finances, we'll talk. Until then, all's fair in love, war, and children's bedtimes.

Another totally fake injustice I keep hearing people squabble about is "equal pay." President Obama has been harping about it on Twitter all day Tuesday, or at least whoever manages his social media accounts has been posting graphics claiming that it's not 1963 anymore, and it's time for women to receive equal pay. Just in case you're wondering about the relevance, June 10 is the 51st anniversary of JFK signing the Equal Pay Act of 1963, abolishing wage discrepancies based on gender.


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