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Friday, June 13, 2014

Tenacious D

From the Slope of Hope:  Many of you probably heard the news yesterday that teachers unions received a nasty (and well-deserved) blow from the Los Angeles Superior Court. I grew up in a fiercely anti-union household, and as a child, if I did a poor job making my bed, my mother would scowl and angrily say, "Union Worker!" I knew at that point I damned well better do the bed properly.

Mercifully, as a businessman, I never had to deal with any union issues. I did, however, at one point have to grapple with a salaried employee who, years into her employment, decided to get cute and threaten a state case to retrieve overtime wages based on the idea her job should have been an hourly one. She did not prevail. But it deepened my dislike for any prospective interference of the state into such matters.

Back to the topic of school, however, I spent all twelve years of my pre-college education in public schools. For elementary schools, exactly three of the teachers were excellent, and three sucked beyond belief. To this day, I question how much better a thinker I would be if all six of those years were good ones. Subsequent years were also hit-and-miss (and let me be clear, all twelve of these years were in good, solid, middle-class schools; not the utterly crappy schools that so many millions have to attend).



  1. Piss poor teachers are a real problem in US. I taught for a number of years at the college level and I can tell you, 95% of the students entering college today are not prepared with the basics regarding reading, riting, and rithmnatic. Common Core is going to make it worse!

  2. I am struggling just to keep my head above water, and yet the government still keeps raising taxes as if there was no recession/depression! Something definitely has to give. Most of us are no longer earning the same income that we earned before this recession started.

  3. I'm a teacher in wicomico county and we fought against the union and lost. I would love to see bad teachers fired no matter their time in. Its the liberal agenda that empower the union. Unfortunately the conservatives just won't stand together and fight. 8 years of Obama proves it

  4. 11:45 .. correct! Unions fund the democraps and keeping poor teachers who pay dues is what they need to survive. It is a shame.

  5. 11:45 .. correct! Unions fund the democraps and keeping poor teachers who pay dues is what they need to survive. It is a shame.

  6. Take note... teachers and professors are now being fired when necessary. It is happening.


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