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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Teachers' Union Complains Of Campaign Handouts

A judge has decided not to grant a restraining order to stop the distribution of campaign handouts that the state's largest teachers' union says misrepresent their trademarked ballots shaped like apples.

The Maryland State Education Association sought the order Tuesday, when the union found campaign handouts that looked like their apple-shaped handouts that show what candidates the union is supporting.

The union is backing Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown in the Democratic primary race for governor. But Attorney General Doug Gansler's campaign released similar handouts that say Gansler has the support of teachers across Montgomery County.



  1. Of cource the union backs a worthless dumbacrat!

  2. That union is nothing but a bunch of political thugs. The teachers of Wicomico county have been screwed royally by them to a tune of about $600 a year for dues. That union needs to be run out of town.


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