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Friday, June 27, 2014

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012

Did you know the Obama administration’s position has been defeated in at least 13 – thirteen — cases before the Supreme Court since January 2012 that wereunanimous decisions? It continued its abysmal record before the Supreme Court today with the announcement of two unanimous opinions against arguments the administration had supported. First, the Court rejected the administration’s power grab on recess appointments by making clear it could not decide when the Senate was in recess. Then it unanimously tossed out a law establishing abortion-clinic “buffer zones” against pro-life protests that the Obama administration argued on behalf of before the Court (though the case was led by Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley).

The tenure of both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has been marked by a dangerous push to legitimize a vast expansion of the power of the federal government that endangers the liberty and freedom of Americans. They have taken such extreme position on key issues that the Court has uncharacteristically slapped them down time and time again. Historically, the Justice Department has won about 70 percent of its cases before the high court. But in each of the last three terms, the Court has ruled against the administration a majority of the time.



  1. The title is misleading:

    Supremes rule against Sorteo . . .

    It should read:

    Barry has a habit of violating the US Constitution . . .

  2. If he gets enough time to load the court, this will change. Hopefully he will go before he gets that chance.

  3. 6-27-14
    If you knew who represents the office of President you would know Eric Holder is the LEAD adviser to lead councel. What a combination, councel paid by tax dollars to vindicate a liar advised by the Chief liar to that end. Wow! Bob Aswell

  4. But, unfortunately, he won the biggie on Obamacare thanks to that RINO Roberts.

  5. Aren't any of these arrestable offences?

  6. so why is he still in our white house. map


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