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Monday, June 02, 2014

Supreme Court could deliver crippling blow to Big Labor

In the first year since the Wolverine State adopted a right-to-work law in 2013, SEIU Healthcare Michigan lost a staggering 80 percent of its members.

The case illustrates a dirty secret of the modern labor movement: A lot of its rank and file members don't want to be in a union in the first place and will leave if given the chance.

What right to work did in Michigan, the Supreme Court might soon do nationally: In the case ofHarris v. Quinn, the justices must decide if Illinois state government can force its own public sector employees to participate in a union. If the ruling is "no," that could effectively extend right-to-work laws to all public sector employees.



  1. Here in Maryland if you are a state employee you are required to be in the union.

    If you are a state employee who disagrees with the Democratic party then you should be aware that your union fees are helping to fund their party.

    Does that make you feel good? If not, get out and vote. Maryland should never have become a one party state.

  2. Everybody's friend Jim Mathias is highly favored by SEIU!

  3. We used to have a free country!


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