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Monday, June 23, 2014

Soon, decayed tooth may repair itself

LONDON: British scientists have discovered a technique which can make a decayed tooth repair itself.

The technique, developed at King's College, London, effectively reverses decay by using electrical currents to boost the tooth's natural repair process.

This path-breaking treatment could be available in three years, according to the British researchers who created it.



  1. Sounds good at first but what about malfunctions (which you know will happen) do you start spitting sparks and frying your brain? Would'nt want to be on the cutting edge of this one.

  2. Lightning has been known to strike people and fuse broken bones together more perfectly than they could be set by man.Electricity applied to dental procedures sounds logical.

  3. The Dems are chewing at the bit to tax this too.

  4. Dang! Too late for me...

  5. Anybody got a plan for receding gums?

  6. Yes, 420, it's called healthy eating and brushing your teeth. Completely brand new science! Look it up!


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