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Monday, June 30, 2014

SFD Calls For Service 6-29-14

  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 22:23Nature: Appliance FireAddress: 819 E William St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 20:50Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 19:40 Nature: Structure FireAddress: 205 Tilghman St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 19:32Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 13:53Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 13:31Nature: Natural CoverAddress: 31089 Olde Fruitland Rd Fruitland, MD 21826
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 12:56Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 09:58Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 09:35Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 08:37Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 07:07Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 06:02Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Sunday June, 29 2014 @ 01:06Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury


  1. All ambulance calls except for the few false calls.

    Does not warrant the need for 65 paid firemen in Salisbury.

  2. It doesn't matter if theres one call or 50. A fire department is there in case the citizens need them. They handle Fire, Medical, Haz Mat and any other thing you can think of. Sorry you don't like that but its here to stay. It was in place long before you got here and will be here long after your gone.

  3. "A fire department is there in case the citizens need them."

    Maybe we should build a big steel dome over the whole world in case we need it to protect from meteorites. Maybe everyone should wear bulletproof vests 24/7 in case we need them. Maybe every citizen should carry firearms in case we need them. Etc., etc.. It's all a case of does the cost justify the expense and in this case it does not.

  4. 5:18 is right except that there is no need for it to be a paid fire dept.

  5. The Salisbury Fire Department was just dispatched to Giant for a "Stabbing." They responded a fire engine, a paramedic ambulance and an assistant chief in an SUV with 2 people. The stabbing was a puncture wound below the elbow. What a waste of valuable resources.

  6. At 1745 Salisbury responded to Keene Ave. for an appliance fire. O arrival there was fire throughout the rear of the house. Three men go to battle and wait for help from somewhere. This may not show up on your C.A.D log tomorrow but it did happen.

  7. Anonymous said...
    It doesn't matter if theres one call or 50. A fire department is there in case the citizens need them. They handle Fire, Medical, Haz Mat and any other thing you can think of. Sorry you don't like that but its here to stay. It was in place long before you got here and will be here long after your gone.

    June 30, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    Wishful thinking pecker head. I can't wait till we get a real mayor and council that has to work for a living and know what it's like to pay taxes. This pecker head is obviously a paid fireman who is scared to death they are going to lose their jobs.

  8. Anonymous said...
    5:18 is right except that there is no need for it to be a paid fire dept.

    June 30, 2014 at 9:00 PM

    You are correct, but EMS should be a totally separate entity.


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