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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Rand Paul: 'What Authority Does Anyone Have to Go to War in Iraq?'

(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says the war in Iraq isn't over until Congress formally declares it is over and repeals its authorization for the president to use military force there.

"In fact, you know, one of the important constitutional questions here is, what authority does anyone have to go to war in Iraq? I've been trying to take that authority away," Paul told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday.

In 2011, when President Obama declared that the Iraq war finally was over, Paul introduced an amendment to a defense authorization bill that would have formally ended the war by canceling congressional authorization for it. His goal was to prevent President Obama from invoking prior authorization to commit troops to combat.

"[C]an one generation bind another generation?" Paul asked on Sunday. "Can the people you elected in 2002, who voted to go to war in 2002, does that bind us forever? Are we -- are we at war forever, no geographic limit and no temporal or time limit on this?



  1. That question is answered by the Constitution. They have mostly forgotten about that document, so I can understand his anxiety.

  2. Thank you, Imclain, my constitution is right here on the table next to me. The answer is in there, clear as a bell.

  3. ISIS is a CIA trained organization.Once again,ISIS is a CIA trained organization.If the likes of Rand Paul and others would just come out and admit that, their cases would have more validity.Time will prove just how detached Washington is,even from federal agencies,mainly the CIA.Those idiots think all of this just "sprung up"


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