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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Prove your innocence, keep your own property!

List of assets confiscated by feds stretches over hundreds of pages

Millions of dollars in folding cash, exotic cars, gold jewelry, rare weapons and even boxes of iPhones are being offered by the government back to their owners, if they can prove their innocence.

It’s more evidence that America is becoming a police state, according to the author of “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality.”

“The lists of all the properties and cash the federal government has taken in recent months are breathtaking,” said Cheryl Chumley. “But what’s worse is it’s not really known just how much of that cash, or how many of those properties, are the result of forfeitures with accompanying investigations that actually led to convictions.”


1 comment:

  1. Confiscating cash and property without charges or even a trial (read that again, and think about it for a moment) is something that we should hear about being done in China or the Soviet Union. NOT in America, especially when, after taking said property, the government says you can have it back IF you can PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE.
    Prove your innocence??? I'm thinking that if the government could have charged you, then they would have done so and if they did not, that alone should be proof enough of "innocence".
    But not in Amerika any more.
    But we also have indefinite "detention" without charges, secret prisons, secret courts, and warrantless searches. IN AMERICA!!!!!
    And you cheered for all this.
    Thomas Jefferson would be astounded and ashamed at what we have allowed to happen.
    How is ANY of this "for our own good"???
    Keep cheering. I hope your team doesn't win, though.


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