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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Primary Early Voting

Early Voting begins Thursday 6/12/14 thru 6/19/14. Polling place: Gull Creek Senior Center.
Worcester County Tea Party Core Members by Majority Vote Support the following Candidates:
Governor - Charles Lollar
Comptroller - William H. Campbell
State Senator - Mike McDermott
State Attorney - Beau Oglesby
Sheriff - Reggie Mason
Commissioner Dist. 5 - Grant Helvey
Commissioner Dist. 6 - Jim Bunting
School Board - We are opposed to any candidate that supports Common Core.
We oppose the following candidates:
Dist. 1 - Doug Dryden
Dist. 4 - Scott Baker and Bill Gordy
Dist. 6 - Bob Hulburd
Dist. 7 - Robert Rothermel


  1. waste of time to vote for any one of those people... complete waste...

    I can say this, I may not vote and for that you can think i wasted it, but I sure as heck didn't contribute to the mess not one bit...

    those who just vote to vote or vote based on 2 debates on tv are the problem... Those who vote for lesser of two evils are the problem...

    Your vote doesn't count, and never has not since voter fraud says so and not since the electoral college tells you who to vote for yet you all think your vote counts because you out your name on a paper and put in in a box...

    BUT once the elections are over and the dems win, you will see very soon what we conspiracy people have been talking about and you will see in reality there is no conspiracy if it actually is happening or has happened...

  2. Your coherency, mastery of the English language, and sound logic shows me that you really have it all figured out, 3:50.

  3. I live in Wicomico County and can only vote for one the endorsed candidates; Charles Lollar, and you may rest assured that I and my entire family will do so!

  4. Lollar is our friend. Vote for him.


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