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Monday, June 23, 2014

Press Briefing Room Revolts Against Jay Carney’s Replacement in Testy Exchange Over Ducking Questions

New White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest – on his first official day on the job – got into a testy exchange with a reporter, telling one of them, “You don’t have to get all exercised about this.”

Earlier in the briefing, Earnest took a question from Jon-Christopher Bua, a Huffington Post columnist, about whether President Barack Obama had spoken to European leaders, in a question that dealt with Iraq.

In what was the last formal question of the briefing, Bloomberg reporter Roger Runningen asked about a call that morning between Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin.



  1. Do you really think he would answer any questions? That's because he has no clue.

  2. Well, he might not be as practiced at lying as Jay Carney was at his final debut but he will work on it and get better. It's a practiced art, and takes time; but finally takes a toll on your morals and life in general.

    Just ask Jay.

    He had to quit to protect his own sanity. It's overly obvious.

    This new shill is just in his infancy. Let him grow through expertise then moral crash, like Jay did.

  3. The answer, if given, would be a LIE of course


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