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Monday, June 02, 2014

Pentagon Wrestles With False Climate Predictions As Military Funds Shifted To Green Agenda

Ten years ago, the Pentagon paid for a climate study that put forth many scary scenarios.

Consultants told the military that, by now, California would be flooded by inland seas, The Hague would be unlivable, polar ice would be mostly gone in summer, and global temperatures would rise at an accelerated rate as high as 0.5 degrees a year.

Yet the 2003 report, “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security,” is credited with kick-starting the movement that, to this day and perhaps with more vigor than ever, links climate change to national security.



  1. Back to school, kids.

    FIRST, there was an Ice age.

    Then, (you get to fill this in...)

    Now, our inadequate long range weather service records make up about one second of the last hundred thousand years, and is being used as "FORMAL PROOF" of total nonsensical idiocy.

  2. boys and girls, the climate is changing. but don't worry because it's been changing forever.

    just don't be duped and deceived by those who think you're really stupid as they empty your pockets...

    get it???

  3. There was a "returning ice age scare" in the 70's. And I expect we'll have one again in 2025 or so.

  4. My dad always said when he was a kid they didn't have global warming. They just called it summer


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