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Monday, June 30, 2014

Pelosi to Greet New Arrivals at Border

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will travel to the southern border of the U.S. on Saturday to be briefed by Customs and Border Protection on the flood of unaccompanied minors entering the country.

The California Democrat will also meet with a group of children held at the South Texas Detention Facility.

“The humanitarian crisis unfolding across our nation’s southern border demands Congress come together and find thoughtful, compassionate and bipartisan solutions,” Pelosi said. “We must ensure our laws are fully enforced, so that due process is provided to unaccompanied children and the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children is protected. We must also work to address the root causes of the problem.”

More than 50,000 unaccompanied children from central America have crossed the border into the United States since last October, but federal law says the U.S. cannot immediately turn the minors away if they are from non-contiguous countries such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Full article here


  1. Trade Pelosi for 1 Mexican and two mules! Make that one Mule!!!

  2. KA-BOOOOOOM....oh crap sorry NancyJune 30, 2014 at 3:12 PM

    Can we have a firing range accident with her present?

  3. Maybe she will contract one of those deadly virus' they are bringing with them!!

  4. The mexicans have already been shooting across the border.....

  5. Send them to San Fran. Pelosi will change her mind fast or look stupid making excuses.

  6. who knows maybe she will contract some of the diseases they are bringing in

  7. What dingbat ignorant voters we have to vote for someone who encourages people to break the law. I guess same numskulls that voted for Obama.

  8. hopefully she'll get some disgusting disease from all those carriers!

  9. she needs to go to work AT HER JOB.

  10. She's the reason why our country is in bad shape.

  11. Oh my, Pelosi has a job?


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