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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ocean City Does A Great Job Encouraging The Use Of Crosswalks

This morning I had to go into Ocean City, (something I hate to do during the summer) and was very pleased to see all the "tourons" using the Crosswalks.

Mind you, driving in and out with the Idiot drivers from Pennsylvania was stressful enough, (oh look, a chicken) but am pleased to be back in West Ocean City where Life Is Good. 

It's a perfect beach day. There's a nice breeze and O.C. doesn't seem too packed. 


  1. yes us idiot PA drivers feel the same way about you idiot MD drivers and the totally clueless DE drivers.

  2. But those Jersey drivers are the worst!


  4. They should put up a sign.

    X days since that last pedestrian killed.

  5. PA drivers do not know how to use turn signals.

    OC Local driving with a PA vacationer...
    OC Local: "Why are you using hand signals when you're making a turn?"
    PA Driver: "My horn is broken."

  6. This looks staged. Go up to Seacrets or further up Coastal Hwy, they don't use the crosswalks.

  7. 3:11

    We might go back home and not return. That will certainly help your lousy economy.

  8. Pa and De nothing but Trash.

  9. Our lousy economy is perfectly fine without idiots out there slamming there breaks in the middle of coastal highway because they missed their turn, or running across coastal with their arms up mouthing sorry even though they almost got hit, or running red lights because they aren't paying attention, or parking in areas that are marked strictly no parking. My list could go on for days. If you don't know where your going or can't drive well with others take the bus. It'll get you there quicker and I don't have to curse your dumb self out.

  10. I had to run into OC just as the Air Show was over and it was bumper to bumper. Took almost 2 hours to get from 32nd St and over the RT 50 bridge. Everyone was patient and cooperative with letting you change lanes and thanking you if you let them over. The pedestrians were obeying the crosswalks for the most part and the ones crossing in between stopped cars were taking it carefully. It was nice to see everyone so happy, though stuck in extremely heavy traffic. The Air Show must have put everyone in a good mood.

  11. I thought Abby Road was in London.

  12. Yeah, now they just run out in front of you somewhere near a crosswalk and ignore the don't walk flashing sign because the light is red for them. At least now the bodies will all be in the same spot.


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