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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Obama's war on electricity

Turning on the television and sitting back in air-conditioned comfort is about to get much, much more expensive. President Obama used the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to declare war on affordable fuel. The average household can expect to pay a $5,000 annual premium for the privilege of enjoying the conveniences of modern life.

The directive, outlined over 645 pages, empowers the EPA to enforce extreme and radical regulations in each state in pursuit of reducing carbon-dioxide emissions from fossil fuel-burning power plants by “approximately 30 percent from CO2 emission levels in 2005.” The administration regulates carbon dioxide as an “air pollutant,” but carbon dioxide is not all bad. One of the largest sources of carbon dioxide is exhaling by humans, and that’s always a good thing. Without carbon dioxide, plants would wither and man (and woman, too) would suffocate.

Like most government schemes, the new EPA rule employs extreme measures that won’t be effective, at great expense to taxpayers and to the economy, with methods based in flawed science and bad math. It addresses a problem that exists in the fertile imagination of the foolishly frightened.



  1. I'm surprised that no one has taken out this clown yet.

  2. It's not about the environment, it is about destroying the economy of the country which is already well on its way to happening.

  3. I have been telling people for over a year about the electricity rate skyrocketing...when it hits the pocketbook, maybe people will start to realize how this man is trying to destroy our country...and God help us, the majority of people are sitting back chugging their Kool-Aid and letting it happen.

  4. 5:29.. You hit the nail on the head! Unfortunately, Boehner will not defund the EPA. The establishment GOP could easily stop this by just not funding the EPA and all of it's radical rules. Write, call, or email Andy Harris and tell him to propose defunding the EPA and to start impeachment proceedings against this lawless man.

  5. Idiot in a suit.

  6. Wind Turbines are the worst way to reduce CO2 emissions because of the need for 100% backup. Even when the wind is blowing, coal plants are operating so there is not a lapse in energy. This creates wasted CO2 and costs the ratepayers 150% higher utility rates. Planting trees would be more effective while beautifying our area. Will someone please educate James Mathias.

  7. Just another illegal tactic to push us to the edge of rebellion. Ob' has already declared MARTIAL LAW BY Executive order and is just waiting for the opportunity to destroy congress and become dictator. Think I'm kidding or an alarmist?? Watch..

  8. planting trees? spoken like a true tree hugger!

  9. Anonymous said...
    I have been telling people for over a year about the electricity rate skyrocketing...when it hits the pocketbook, maybe people will start to realize how this man is trying to destroy our country...and God help us, the majority of people are sitting back chugging their Kool-Aid and letting it happen.

    June 5, 2014 at 5:39 AM

    It's already hit my pocketbook. I paid over $500 for my electric bill in March and I heard many others had as well. So much for the smart meters.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Just another illegal tactic to push us to the edge of rebellion. Ob' has already declared MARTIAL LAW BY Executive order and is just waiting for the opportunity to destroy congress and become dictator. Think I'm kidding or an alarmist?? Watch..

    June 5, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    I see it coming. Why do you think he eliminated the strong leaders in the military. This has become a police force nation.

    If you haven't done so please rent the movie the Hunger Games and open your mind. This should be a wake up call and show you the future of America. It is happening and the mass numbers of Kool Aid drinkers are to stupid to realize it.

  11. Ever wonder why all the Government agencies have SWAT teams and are buying millions of rounds of ammo?


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