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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Obama’s Enforcer

Eric Holder’s tenure in the Justice Department has been marked by scandal after scandal.

The following article is adapted from John Fund and Hans A. von Spakovsky’s new book,Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department gave bad advice to President Obama and the Pentagon in the controversial Bergdahl prisoner trade that the president could ignore federal law requiring prior notification to Congress. This is just the latest example of how Holder helps the administration ignore the rule of law and crafts his “legal” opinions based on the desired political outcome, not the actual state of the law.

Under Eric Holder, the Justice Department has stood the old Ronald Reagan maxim “trust but verify” on its head and adopted a “trust and we won’t let you verify” approach to its activities.



  1. and the only action he's taken is to free the voter intimidation charges from those 2 in Philly during presidential election in 08

  2. You call it scandal.. Barry and Criminal Bill call it the plan!


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