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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Obama 'Hasn't Lifted a Finger' to Help U.S. Marine in Mexico Jail

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s claim that no members of the U.S. military are “left behind” does not seem to hold true for Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the Marine arrested by Mexican authorities on April 1 on weapons charges.

When asked about the exchange of Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban terrorists at a Heritage Foundation event on Capitol Hill, Salmon recalled attending a classified briefing given to House members by Obama administration officials.



  1. Just wait, he will. As soon as the next scandal pops up he will do something so that the focus goes off of the scandal.. and believe me there will be another scandal...

  2. maybe we can swap mr. bird dog for this soldier...

  3. That's because he was running guns across the boarder. He made his bed; now he can sleep in it.

  4. Putin could score huge with Americans by obtaining the release of this prisoner.And no,I'm not crazy.Just imagine how he could demoralize Obama by not only obtaining his release,but also returning him to the US unharmed.I sure am glad for the anonymous option so you guys can't throw rocks at me for my comment.

  5. 7:44 the nail was struck square on it's head.


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