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Thursday, June 26, 2014

NYC Loses Appeal To Ban Large Sugary Drinks

(CNN) -- New York's Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that New York City's ban on large sugary drinks, which was previously blocked by lower courts, is illegal.

"We hold that the New York City Board of Health, in adopting the 'Sugary Drinks Portion Cap Rule,' exceeded the scope of its regulatory authority," the ruling said.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had pushed for the ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces as a way to fight obesity and other health problems.

Sugary drinks linked to 180,000 deaths worldwide



  1. In your face DOOMBURG.

  2. Islam is linked many more deaths worldwide. Maybe we can ban that.

  3. Instead of all this,ban high fructose corn sugar and give a green light to cane sugar.Therein lies the problem.

  4. the damn Libratards want to ban sugar and legalize pot. I guess if we are all stoned all the time we won't care what they do to us..

  5. Could you imagine? ban sugar but legalize pot. No sweets for those munchies!


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