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Sunday, June 01, 2014

National Park Service Plans To Note Places Linked To Gay History

SAN FRANCISCO — The National Park Service is launching an initiative to make places and people of significance to the history of lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual Americans part of the national narrative.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is convening a panel of 18 scholars next month that will be charged with exploring the LGBT movement’s story in areas such as law, religion, media, civil rights and the arts. The committee will identify relevant sites and its work will be used to evaluate them for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, designation as National Historic Landmarks, or consideration as national monuments, Park Service Director Jonathan Jarvis said. “The Park Service is, in my view, America’s storyteller through place,” Jarvis said “It’s important that the places we recognize represent the full complement of the American experience.”


The process mirrors efforts the service already has undertaken to preserve and promote locations that reflect the roles of Latinos, Asian-Americans and women in U.S. history.



  1. I didn't think we could get any lower in the pit , I was wrong , we are screwed in this country.

  2. really? for God's sake, this is ridiculous!

  3. I never hated Gay's before.... Because they want to act like jerks now.. I can't stand them, and will be more prejudice against them now.

  4. R U kidding me ???????
    I think my head is going to explode. Every day we awake to something completely absurd. Americans are being desensitized (sp) to outlandish crap like this every day. Wake up Americans. Wake up young people. Shame on the Park Service.

  5. will the beachs in rehobeth become a historic site because of ireton?

  6. Until the people rise up against the sodomites the agenda will keep pushing this. on an unwilling people

  7. Support your local pedophile. I'll support my local church.

  8. I personally have nothing against Gay Lesbian or Bi people, I even have several friends in each catagory. But what I do have a problem with is your choices being shoved down my throat. What ever happen to keeping your SEXUALITY quiet? I don't stand and preach about being straight, so don't shove it down my throat. Oh yeah and I love explaining to my child their choices. So cute their totally confused faces!!!! NOT!!!!

  9. 6:55 Good chance if your supporting your church you already are supporting a pedophile.

  10. This is just ridiculous. They shouldn't be persecuted but needn't be promoted.

  11. Well, hey guys and gals, this is one branch of the gommerent doing something! Has a budget been passed yet???

  12. It is called history folks.

  13. how about a commemorative sign at the place of the former park & ride at rt 50 and phillip morris... they hooked up there for years !

  14. "It is called history folks."

    WTF? So, by your limited logic, there should already be corresponding historical sites commemorated due to their heterosexual significance. Maybe you can name a few for me...

  15. They want to do this, and yet they want to remove all references to Confederate Generals, and Nathan Bedford Forest, and any other slave owner that did good.

  16. So, is there a parallel generation of facts of hetero accomplishments, and, back then, did anyone give a rat's arse about this? Can I please shoot someone over this?

  17. Anonymous said...
    6:55 Good chance if your supporting your church you already are supporting a pedophile.

    May 30, 2014 at 8:44 AM

    I bet you are the pedophile aren't you.

  18. Anonymous said...
    They want to do this, and yet they want to remove all references to Confederate Generals, and Nathan Bedford Forest, and any other slave owner that did good.

    May 30, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    I will take General Forest and my Confederate heroes any day. God Bless the South.

  19. They are making a stamp in honor of Harvey Milk.... A child predator.


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