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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nancy Pelosi At The Border: Influx Of Illegal Immigrants An ‘Opportunity,’ Not A ‘Crisis’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Saturday called the recent inpouring of Central Americans across the U.S. border an “opportunity” rather than a “crisis” — and added a personal desire of hers.

“I wish I could take all those children home with me,” Pelosi said during a press conference in Brownsville, Texas, after visiting a nearby Border Patrol facility housing illegal immigrants, reported KGBT-TV in Harlingen, Texas.

“We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, North and South America.”

The Democratic representative from California said, “We will show the rest of the world how we deal with this,” KGBT said, noting she called those who’ve crossed the border refugees who must be treated with “decency.”



  1. Well, why don't you just buy a house in Guatemala and take them ALL home with you.

  2. It is a crisis contrived to continually destroy the economy of this nation, a process well along to completion.

  3. She is their to over see the installation of the Country's first border bell - It goes "Ding Dong" Pelosi's favorite sound inside her head.

  4. The worlds oldest teenager.

  5. Naturally presbo wants several billion to "deal" with this crisis. What doesn't he want 2 billion for?

  6. “I wish I could take all those children home with me,” Pelosi said...

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's net worth skyrocketed 62% last year, to a jaw-dropping $35.2 million, according to financial disclosure forms released Wednesday.

    Nancy, you could take at least 50 of them, and provide jobs for at least 25 nannies, so don't blow smoke.

  7. The towns being overrun should rent buses and ship all the illegals and leave them in San Fran. Just drop them off and let pelosis constitutes take care of them.


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