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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Most Are Impressed With Mizeur In Final TV Debate For Dems

Here are some reactions to Monday night’s debate between the Democratic candidates for governor of Maryland. They include the impressions of regular voters, bloggers, reporters and a college professor. The debate can be watched online. -

From Jade Walker: Tonight’s debate seemed very promising for Heather Mizeur especially in the final hour. I must admit I am hopeful to see her last due to the fact it seems candidates have to align with their respective Democratic or Republican party before even approaching issues, especially matters American citizens are at a relative agreement in consensus. I am not sure about Gansler as he seems to be selling me the idea he is a moderate Republican with his foreign tax initiatives. I feel he attacks Brown because Mizeur is an assumed long-shot; I wonder if she is remaining [in the race], will he begin to attack her? The constant banter about who knows what the Maryland people want or don’t want really echoes the current condition of Congress and the House as they refuse to do their jobs at a wide inability to compromise. IT IS AN EXTREME TURN OFF.



  1. NONE of these clowns do we need...

    if you vote for Brown you mind as well expect the same shit to happen because O'faily would not have picked him to be LT. Govr...

    Gansler is no different, anyone of these two will not do anything different in ways of the current politicians they will go along to get along and if not they will tax you...

    I do not know anything about Mizeur but I am sure she will be no different...

    AS ALL POLITICIANS DO, they tell you what you want to hear at the time you need to hear it... NOTHING MORE... which is why you hear them talk slick and get elected and do the 100% opposite... SO who is the fool here? you regular people are the problem... you let them get away with it, you vote them in their positions, and you refuse to educate yourself beyond the typical debate in which you make your choice off of 3 sentences out of 2 debates and you think you know who will help us better? you are a fuickingn retard....

  2. Don't vote for any of these 3 Liberals.. LISTEN to her ads on TVC. She out right states she is a PROGRESSIVE - that means she is a SOCIALIST. She states that she is running on the legalization and TAXIATION of POT... She plans to fund her programs on MORE TAXES. In her TV ad she outright says it.. Please Maryland no more Socialist.

  3. She is also a lesbian and doesn't mind using the men's room. It's that Democratic Transgender thing you know! Don't tell her she looks nice or she will sue you for harassment. Just another liberal Democrat.

  4. Rewrite the headline, "Most DEMS...."

    Tea party Republicans are repulsed by all 3. So are Tea party Democrats!

  5. If Mizeur becomes Governor we will know it's time for the shore to secede.

  6. 9:15 or change the crops you grow to Pot...


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