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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

More On BOE Spending

I saw this post..........What Say You Now Wicomico Board Of Ed & County Executive?

Then I found this...

"Unlike MCPS' Board of Education, the Montgomery County Council doesn't issue credit cards to its members. Council spokesman Neil Greenberger says councilmembers pay with cash, submit itemized receipts, and only then are they reimbursed."

BOE in Montgomery county have credit cards but the county council does NOT. They are also in trouble for spending needlessly on things. I posted a story about it the other day. People were paying for high dollar hotels in DC because in rush hour it would take them to long to get there......... here is the link I posted the other day



  1. Apples and Oranges...with MCPS, their is no policy on spending amounts. WCBOE has limits and and there is a specific policy on when members can stay depending on distances. If it is over the Bay Bridge, they have to use a rental car rather than get reimbursed as it is cheaper than paying the gov't $.50 per mile rate.

  2. Who the hell cares what that over paid bunch government workers does,they are living in fantacy land.They sure as hell can't relate to what's going on in the real world.

  3. That's a better policy. Make their charges come and beg for approval.

    The old saying, "better to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission" is active here, and totally out of control.

    Time to spend first, THEN ask for permission.

    Not that fat Rick wouldn't slop up and reimburse all his cronies...

    1. Just finished watching PAC14 and the work session with BOE from Tuesday. All the troops were there. Council questioned them on cameras in schools, Bennett Middle project, Magnet Program. NOT ONE OF THEM ASKED about the so called credit card receipts that they haven't gotten. I thought it would have been the perfect time to do so.

  4. The theft is not the over the big scary bridge trips. but the Starbucks in the morning, lunch with beers, and weekend dinners at a thousand bucks.

    Yes, In all cases, make them pay out of pocket and beg for reimbursement through a chain starting at the lowest paid first. That will stop this altogether.


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