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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mitt Romney blasts Hillary Clinton as 'clueless' on Bergdahl swap

Mitt Romney has re-emerged on the national political stage 18 months after he lost a presidential bid to President Barack Obama - and he came out swinging.

Romney blasted Hillary Clinton as 'clueless' Sunday for her support of the release of five Guantanamo detainees for U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl.

He also had harsh words for the Obama Administration and Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State for failing to use American power to protect the country.



  1. She is clueless on a lot of things. If she gets in a bind she will bump her head and not be able to remember a thing.

  2. From a man whose only foreign policy experience is spreading his religion overseas to get out of serving his own country.

  3. While she is... Romney is the last person who should be talking.

  4. Obama and the democrats have done so well bringing this country down it will take a leader like Romney to bring it back!

  5. "Romney is the last person who should be talking." And why is that? Romney is far from the perfect candidate, but if he had been elected instead of Zero, we would not be in our current mess. I don't mind reasoned Romney-bashing, but that kind of silly group-think is directly from the low-info media.

  6. Sorry, but Romney was a milk toast candidate that lacked any ....thing?
    A wet rag was preferable.

  7. 7:08 Who's the "group-thinker"? His policies were almost the SAME as Obama. Except he would have done more for large corporations, who would have controlled his strings a little easier than Obama. They're both horrible for this country, and we were the ones being duped to have to vote for either of them.


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