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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Marijuana Located in Teacher’s Vehicle During a Drug Dog Search at Seaford High School

Seaford, DE – The Delaware State Police have arrested a Seaford High School teacher after marijuana was located in his parked vehicle on school grounds yesterday afternoon.

On Monday June 9, 2014, troopers assigned Delaware State Police K9 Division as well as a K9 assigned to Dover Police Department were requested by the Seaford School District to conduct a search of the building and vehicles in the parking lot for drugs. The three state police K9s and one Dover PD K9 that are specially trained to detect illegal narcotics, performed the search around 3:00 p.m. with the assistance of school administrators.

While conducting a search in the south parking lot of the school, one of the K9s alerted to the presence of drugs in a Jeep Liberty. School administrators conducted an administrative search of the vehicle with the registered owner, Ryan A. Harris, 33 of Mechanicsburg, PA, present. Located in his Jeep inside a bag were 20.8 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, and a glass pipe used to smoke the marijuana. All evidence was turned over to the Delaware State Police School Resource Officer assigned to the high school.

Ryan Harris was then transported to Seaford Police Department where he was formally charged with Possession of Marijuana with an Aggravating Factor (School Zone), and two counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. He was arraigned at JP3 and released on $1,000.00 unsecured bond.

Any inquiries into Ryan Harris’ employment should be directed to the Seaford School District.


  1. Fire his worthless butt

  2. Hurry up and legalize it for pete sake.

  3. Even if it was legalized, it shows very poor judgement to take it to a school. No way that any form of drug belongs there. I could care less what people do on their own time, but I don't want that stuff around my kids when they are in school.

  4. How does he perform as a teacher? That should be the only factor as to whether or not he keeps his job.

  5. Wow and when it becomes legal I hope this guys sues them for like a billion dollars

  6. 11:44 wow, are you a brain surgeon? what is he going to sue for? even if it's legal, there will be venues where it will not be acceptable to possess and use it. it still won't be legal for children to consume.... nvermind, i'm pretty sure trying to explain this is pointless. smh

  7. This is a shame. But it does show bad judgement on his part. That said should he lose his job over this? Maybe. 20g is an idiotic amount of weed to be carrying around. Given the fact that it is not legal in DE he accepted the risks involved. Still its a shame. His career is ruined. His time spent in college was wasted. He will likely never work as an educator again.

    Legalize Marijuana.

  8. Why did he have a scale? Makes one think, doesn't it?

  9. 12:26--
    Many people do, simply to make sure they're getting the amount they paid for. I tend to think, rather than jump to conclusions.

    This guy definitely didn't think things out before having such items on a school property.

  10. If I were a teacher I would have more than that. When was the last time you were around that many kids.


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