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Sunday, June 22, 2014

M. J. Caldwell


  1. Lets correct O'Malley's mistake!

    Courtroom experience tops family money and influence.

  2. The reason the Maryland Constitution mandates election for Circuit Court Judges after the Governor appoints one, is to allow the voters to counter appointment based upon political favor.

    It's time we corrected the Governor, and reminded him that this is OUR County, and we demand the best we can have.

    MJ you have my vote.

  3. I cast my vote Thurs for M.J! Let the Wicomico County show O'Malloy we have a voice! Vote for Caldwell!

  4. Sarbanes evidently doesn't listen or obey the laws! I want a law breaking criminal on the bench so if I ever have to go to court maybe he'll sympathize and offer me the courtroom next to his and then I can start hearing cases too! beats jail!

  5. Consider that the state bar endorsed Sarbanes. The local attorneys rated Caldwell higher.

  6. 9:37

    To be clear, the State Bar opposes ALL elections of Judges. It wasn't so much an endorsement of Sarbanes as it was opposition to citizens voting for the position.

  7. The MD Bar always endorses the incumbent ("sitting") judges - if O'Malley had appointed MJ or anyone else, that person would get it's endorsement, which is meaningless.

    On the other hand, the local bar vote is based on actual experience and skill -- and MJ was rated much higher.

  8. Is JS current on his mortgage now?

  9. MJ's legal knowledge, experience, and commitment to our community has my vote.

  10. MJ is one of the most qualified candidates in MD. It is really a shame politics has kept him from the position. Republican or Democrat, we need to put the right man for the job in the position. If Jimmy's last name wasn't "Sarbanes" this wouldn't even be an issue. It's a really a shame how transparently political this all was. Go MJ!!!!

  11. Wicomico deserves the best it can get.

    MJ..... no doubt about it.


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