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Monday, June 09, 2014

Lt. Governor Brown

Hi, Joe--

I work for Lt. Governor Anthony Brown and I'm writing to you regarding a recent post on your website about the Lt. Governor visiting Salisbury (http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2014/06/lt-governor-visits-salisbury.html). I'm not sure who gave you that information, but the Lt. Governor isn't scheduled to be in Salisbury at all tomorrow. I didn't want your readers to be confused. Would you mind taking it down? Thanks.


Lauren Gibbs

Press Office of Lt. Governor Anthony Brown

Publishers Notes: 

Lauren, The information came directly from the Mayor's Office.


  1. You see, the Democrats don't know what they are doing.

  2. 6-9-14
    Must be another unschedualed debate and Brown as usual cops out because he can`t cut the mustard on qualifications.

  3. We dont want him here anyway!

  4. Not like he was going to get a packed audience...

  5. You can't believe anything a Democrat says, anyway. It's probably a secret rendezvous for the two lover boys, anyway!

  6. Guess he chickened out.

  7. Joe, it's nice that they read your site. Maybe they will learn something about what we want and don't want.map

  8. It was a press release from Jim Ireton. I bet Chuck Cook was trolling and told the Brown campaign that it was on Joe's website.


  9. It's OK. Jimmy is on the plaza entertaining the crowd that wanted to see OweBrown.


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